Beauty Basics: Healthy Eating and Go To Beauty Secrets

Beauty Basics

Beauty and food go hand in hand when maintaining a healthy lifestyle. My friends would get on me consistently about the type of foods I would consume. We’re talking about an abundance of greasy, fried, fattening foods I would eat on a daily basis. After awhile, I began to notice that my eating habits were having an affect on my body and my skin. It was tragic! So I decided to switch up my eating habits for the better and incorporate these habits in my daily routine.

Ive also been an avid believer in using items around the house for home beauty remedies. I always get compliments on my skin and I am constantly asked about the products that I use. So are are a few of the foods and remedies that I love. Enjoy!



As a kid I would always see women in movies, in the luxurious spas with the cozy white robes and towel wraps and two freshly sliced cucumbers covering their eyelids. As I got older and more into skin care, I learned that cucumbers have awesome health benefits especially for the skin. I have terrible terrible seasonal allergies, which cause me to suffer from a severe case of puffy eyes. Cucumbers have saved my life! They contain ascorbic acid that help decrease the water retention and puffiness around the eyes. Cucumbers also have antioxidants and silica that help rejuvenate the skin and fade dark circles around the eye area. Just place those bad boys on your eyes for 20 minutes and you’ll definitely notice a huge difference!

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BEAUTY TIP: This routine works best before bed. When I notice the dark circles under my eyes are very visible, I use Clinique’s “all about eyes” dark circle cream. I use Clean & Clear’s Essentials Deep Cleaning Toner to really clean under my skin and remove any excess make up before application.


Let me just state, I used to HATE the taste of water with a passion. The amount of a Pepsi and sweet, sugary, homemade iced tea that I consumed on a daily basis was completely outrageous. So I had to figure out an alternative and quickly… then I discovered lemon water! Being a detoxifier, lemon water can purify your blood and take care of the overall health and it tastes amazing! Not only do lemons burn fat fast and suppress the appetite, they are rich in vitamin C, which is a great immunity booster for your body. Plus its great for your skin!

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I practically use coconut oil every day! One of my best friends told me about oil pulling. Oil pulling also known as “gundusha,” is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 20 minutes. This action supposedly draws out toxins in your body, primarily to improve oral health but also to improve your overall health. This works wonders especially by getting rid of bacteria in your mouth and whitening your teeth. I usually do this in the morning and at night in the shower which is rather refreshing. I also use coconut oil in my hair to keep it nice and shiny, not to mention it smells amazing.

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As a kid, I never had any problems with eating my veggies. I love all types of greens so I decided to figure out a way to incorporate them into my daily diet. I am actually not a big fan of breakfast so I usually whip up a nice fruit smoothie before I head out. A few berries and my choice of greens… kale or spinach. Kale juice is loaded with iron and contains antioxidants like carotenoids, which are essentially a form of Vitamin A that benefit both your eyes and your skin. I also make my version of collard greens called “kale-ard greens,” they contain the same southern taste of collard greens just way more healthier. Be on the look out for that recipe on the blog soon!